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Application ExplorerUse the Application Explorer to obtain quick access to rules in a single application, organized by work type, category, and rule type. This explorer is most useful in development settings where a majority of rules have an Applies To key part that matches a work type.

In contrast to the Class Explorer and Rules Explorer, the Application Explorer shows only rules that are associated with the RuleSets that correspond to your current application — the application name that appears in the header of the Designer Studio window. This smaller selection of rules is easier to explore and navigate.

The exact set of rules that appear depend on your preference settings and selected work pool (as defined more precisely below).

  Starting the Application Explorer

  Setting preferences

  About the tree

  Interacting with the tree structure

  Interacting with the Visio flow editor

   Using the context menu

  Creating new rules

  Understanding when rules appear in the App Explorer tree


Definitions application, applicable rules, category, current application, personal RuleSet, rule type, work pool name, work type
Related topics Common names for rules
Common names for data instances

Explorer tools — Workspace results

UpTools — Basic