Support Article
Border color of textarea does not change onclick
In Pega 7.1.6, collapsed textarea control has borders, which was not there in lower versions. So for the users it looks like editable filed even though it is collapsed.
Now, when the user places cursor in the collapsed text area and hits back space, browser is going back to the previous screen. Hence an issue reported by Business user/product owner.
Moreover, same class (textAreaExpandStyle) is getting referred for text area expanded and collapsed, so users are not able to change the CSS of the control.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a section with textarea control.
2. Make the textarea as expand/collapse.
3. Now when you click to expand and collapse, both of them have borders.
Note: In PRPC 6.x, only Expand textarea has borders.
Root Cause
The root cause of this problem is the way the textarea has been designed in PRPC 7.x, which has changed the UI appearance of the control.
This issue is resolved by hotfix item HFix-22577. In the HFix changes, two new CSS class has been added, one for expand textarea and other for collapse textarea. With this, the users can add their own customization for textarea expand/collapse, as below:
span.TextAreaContainer span.textAreaInputCollapsed {
border: 0px !important;
span.TextAreaContainer span.textAreaInputExpanded {
border: 1px solid #7f9bd9 !important;
Note: This code should be added in UserWorkForm.
Published July 6, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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