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Support Article

Can not add offer in revision



When creating an offer from the Marketing Portal in a Change Request, there is an error if there are more than one group-issue Pega Marketing 7.22.

When the Rule-Obj-Flow-Offer PreKeyValidate activity runs, at step 4 it checks if it is executed from the RevisionPortal.

If it is, it will start Rule-Obj-Flow-Offer ValidateOfferFromDiffGroup. At step 4 a Java step is called, which set Local.notequal to true.

This will cause a message on page and screen.

Error Messages

There is an offer with 'crosssell' group already in the system. An offer of the same group only can be created.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Using Revision manager create revision.
2. Create changerequest (CR).
3. Revision manager assign CR to strategy designer
4. Using Strategy designer, add New > Marketing artifact > Offer.
5. Using Strategy designer create and open, and observe see error on screen.

Root Cause

Here’s the explanation for the reported behavior:

This is an expected behavior and enclosed is the explanation for the current design

The offers can be added to application overlay, revisioned and packaged along with the backed up rules.
When offers are added to application overlay, the backed up decision data is also copied to the revision ruleset.

There are some checks while adding offers to the application overlay like

- Offers of different groups cannot be added to one overlay.
- If offers and decision data are added to one overlay, they cannot be from different groups.

These checks are to ensure that the backed up decision data is updated properly while editing the offers in revision management.

- If there are offers and decision data as part of an overlay, there are a few checks while creating the change requests as well.
- If there are any change requests with offers in progress, user is not allowed to create a cange request with a decision data rule and vice versa.

These checks are to maintain mutual exclusive updating of the decision data rule.

While an offer is being edited in a change request, the decision data rule is available in the revision ruleset branch and the user will have a private checked out version of the decision data rule.

Once the change request is submitted, the decision data rule is checked out, updated and checked in with the data in the private checked out version.

If the change request is withdrawn, the offer rule is discarded and the private checked out decision data rule is also discarded.

This way, the changes made to offer are reverted from the decision data also.

If a decision data rule is added to a change request and when it is opened for editing, copy of the decision data rule is created with _bkp suffix in the revision branch ruleset.

The changes made to the decision data rule are available in the _bkp rule.

Once the change request is submitted, the decision data rule is checked out to the personal ruleset of the user.
The data from the _bkp rule is copied to the checked out original decision data rule.
The checked out original decision data rule is checked in.
Finally the _bkp rule is deleted from the revision branch ruleset.

If the change request is withdrawn, the _bkp rule is deleted and the original decision data rule is intact without any latest changes.

After revision submission, if there are offer rules in the revision, the backed up decision data rule is also packaged along with the offer rules.


Here’s the explanation for the reported behavior:

Each time user updates offer, respective decision data rule needs to be updated.

So if multiple offers of same group are part of two change requests then we may have issues in getting the lock for Decision data.

That is the reason why DSM do not allow editing of Offer and Decision data in parallel with in a revision.

Process will be more complicated if user allows adding other group to the overlay.

Published September 26, 2017 - Updated December 2, 2021

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