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Support Article

Chars missing after saving info in text area in IE



Line break takes one character on enter, but when saved, takes two characters, and if the field is full, then unexpected truncation occurs at the end. This behavior occurs in IE11.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. consider a TextArea control on a property of String type with max characters limit.
2. Enter symbols to fulfil max limit including one line break.
3. After saving the page – line break consumes two symbols, and text is cut.


Root Cause

A third-party product issue.


Browsers may interpret the Carriage Return as multiple characters. The convention may be between '/n' and '/r/n'. In this case, the new line function is interpreted by IE as '/r/n.' This is counted by the browser as two characters as some database technologies will also use /r/n to create a new line, and they opt to make sure max character limits are obliged.

The behavior of counting the size of the new line as two bytes (\r\n) is expected and not a bug in the product.

For further information refer to the Stackoverflow thread (1
0030921) titled "Chrome counts characters wrong in textarea with maxlength attribute

Please take a look at support article "Issue with max allowed characters of text area" (SA-10876)

Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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