Support Article
Class instances not imported during application import
When product file is used to import application from DesignerStudio > Application > Distribution > Import, into new environment, class instances of few classes are missing.
Export file created using the Application packaging wizard does not include the class instances of few classes associated with data-types.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
Navigate to DesignerStudio > Application > Distribution > Import, and import applicationRoot Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
When running the packaging wizard, on the 8th step, where data-types are to be selected, few data-types are not displayed. Due to this the export file created using the Application packaging wizard does not include the class instances of few classes associated with data-types.
The reason for few data-types not displayed is - DataBase returns only 50 results from the table, which stores these data-types. This is dues to Pagination set with page-size=50 on a ListView pzLPDataTablesList, which is used to retrieve the count or details of data-types from database.
Apply HFix-26465 which disables the pagination in the list view so that system displays all the data tables or data-types.
Published March 7, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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