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Support Article

CSSample install failure on MS SQL Server Database



While uploading CSSample.jar as part of CS 7.1.4 installation, the import fails with 76 errors. The database used in MS SQL Server.

Error Messages

2015-11-03 15:34:06,375 [l-threads-269496267)] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ PegaRULES:07.10] ( internal.util.MoveLog) INFO [email protected] - Error: Save Failed: Database-Config-KeyPropertyNotExposed PegaCA-Interface-Address OwnerID (PegaCA-Interface-Address ACMEANVILS!B!BUS!20140101T050000.000 GMT)
2015-11-03 15:34:06,407 [l-threads-269496267)] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ PegaRULES:07.10] ( internal.loaders.SaverLoader) INFO [email protected] - Saved of PegaCA-Interface-Address ACMEANVILS!B!BUS!20140101T050000.000 GMT failed. Database-Config-KeyPropertyNotExposed PegaCA-Interface-Address OwnerID
From: (BC6F3EA6C38C9B0F09A65C8D031437616) 

Steps to Reproduce

Upload CSSample.jar on a CS 4.1.7 system that is running on MS SQL Server database.

Root Cause

A class key or database attribute case sensitive issue. The keys defined in the CPM related classes are defined using different letter case from the ones generated in the CSSample.sql.

For example, in class PegaCA-Interface-Address, the keys are specified as shown in the image below:

However, in CSSample.sql, the OwnerID attribute is generated using a different letter case:

CREATE TABLE PRPC719_CPM714_DATA.pa_address 
   OwnerId VARCHAR2 (55) NOT NULL,
   AddressId VARCHAR2 (1) NOT NULL,
   AddressType VARCHAR2 (4) NOT NULL,

Since the attributes in MS SQL Server database are case sensitive, the import fails with error. 


Perform the following local-change:
  1. Drop the CSSample tables by running the DROP_Sample (Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres).sql script.
    This script is located in the SampleDB directory of the CS 7.1.4 installation media.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Import CSSample.jar using the Manual import option.
  4. Download the CSSample.sql.
  5. In the downloaded CSSample.sql, perform the following modifications:
    Change every occurrences of OwnerId to OwnerID.
    Change every occurrences of CommunicationId to CommunicationID.
    Change every occurrences of AddressId to AddressID.
  6. Run the updated CSSample.sql script.
  7. Proceed with the import of CSSample.jar with Manual import option.


Published April 21, 2016 - Updated December 2, 2021

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