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Support Article

Generated document from Pega is sent incorrectly in the email



The user's file name generated in Pega is changed to 'Untitled attachment' in the outbound email which is attached in the case, along with a format change. Users recieve emails with attachments which are .DAT files and which that cannot be opened.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Generate a document from Pega and send the email.
  2. Obtain the actual file name which is genearated in Pega. A file with 'Untitled attachment' filename is got in the outbound email which is attached in the case.

Root Cause

In Pega 8.1.3, mail-1.5.5.jar was used, while in Pega 7.2.2 mail-1.5.2.jar was used.

In the mail-1.5.5, the following change was made,

The GH 173 mail.mime.encodefilename property should override the RFC 2231 encoding (which splits the header property names).


  1. Add the below  parameters to the JVM parameters.

  2. Restart the environment.

Published August 15, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021

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