Support Article
Inconsistency in DateTime property values
Inconsistencies occur in the DateTime property values exposed in database columns between data that is migrated and data that is newly created after the upgrade. The exposed DateTime property values are in GMT for the data that is migrated. The exposed DateTime property values are in the database (DB) server's timezone (EST) for the newly created data.
This inconsistency causes functional errors considering an item as stale when it is not.
Error Messages
Steps to Reproduce
- Upgrade PRPC 6.2 to Pega 8.2.2.
- Create and update items
- Review the associated exposed DateTime properties
- Observe the difference in the timezone of the values in the database
Root Cause
A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment. The new JVM used timezone settings that are different from the original JVM that is used when the data is exposed. The existing database is copied using database tools and a new JVM is implemented. When the new JVM references the exposed values considering the exposed values in the set timezone, miscalculations occur.
Make the following change to the operating environment:
Ensure the new JVM utilizes the same timezone settings as the original JVM.
Published July 21, 2020 - Updated December 2, 2021
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