Support Article
Join condition for sub-reports does not work as expected
In Report Definitions, when "Do not match rows" is selected for "Add join condition" in sub-report use configuration, the sub-report is ignored. The created SQL does not have any queries associated with the sub-report.
Error Messages
Not Applicable.
Steps to Reproduce
Select "Do not match rows" for "Add join condition" in sub-report use configuration.
Root Cause
The join condition for "Do Not Match rows" does not not work because the user did not use the column in the Right Hand Side of filter conditions.
"Do Not Match rows" is for support of co-related sub queries. In such cases, one has to use the sub report in the right hand of filter criteria.
For example, the main report returns the following data TestCase, TesCase1. The Sub Report returns the data in TesCase, test.

For the use case “Do Not Match rows”, after executing the main report, the data must be ideally displayed is Testcase1.
Now for this to happen, one must use the Subreport’s column in the right hand Side of the main report’s filter condition as below:

Note that the properties ID and SubID have been optimised for reporting.
Published June 19, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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