Support Article
Labels are not translated in Filter screen
Filter labels in repeating grid are not localized.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a repeating grid in Data-Admin- with pxUserAssignmentList.pxResults as source list.
2. Add status column and provide pxPage(WorkObjectLevel).pyWorkStatus oy pyAssignmentStatus as property.
Root Cause
The root cause of this problem is software use/operation error.
User has not added "pyCMWorkStatus" control in the status column configuration.This control takes localized values for status label (for example, New).
This issue is resolved through the following Local-change:
Add control "pyCMWorkStatus" to Status column configuration and modify pyStatusLabel field value to add the localized values for New, Close and Open status.
Published July 2, 2015 - Updated October 8, 2020
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