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Support Article

Not able to connect to REST and SOAP Service



User has created REST Connector to connect to RESTService and it is failing with certificate mismatch error and SSLException trace in log files.

To fix the above issue, user has created following Dynamic System Setting (DSS):
Owninig Ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine ,
Setting Purpose: https/allowAllHostnames ,Value:true

With the above DSS, the certificate mismatch error was resolved but user started experiencing SSLPeerUnverifiedException.

And, user is facing one more issue: ResourceUnavailableException with connect to the SOAP Services using SOAP Connector which was working before the DSS is created.

Error Messages

Following certificate mismatch error was reported.
“ Caught unhandled exception: hostname in certificate didn't match”

Caught unhandled exception: peer not authenticated
For SOAP: SOAP service failed

Steps to Reproduce

1. Click on DesignerStudioàIntegrationàConnectorsàCreate REST Integration and connected to REST service.
2. Click on DesignerStudioàIntegrationàConnectorsàCreate SOAP Integration and connected to SOAP service.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.


Following local-changes were applied to fix reported issues:

SOAP Connector:
Comment out the following line from step # 8 of “invokeAxis2” Activity.
client.getOptions().setProperty(com.pega.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants.CUSTOM_PROTOCOL_HANDLER, authhttps);

REST Connector:

​Restore an older version of “pyInvokeRESTConnector” Activity from Ruleset version 07-10-15 overwriting 07-10-19.

Published August 24, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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