Support Article
Page-copy method is not behaving as expected
When user is trying to copy the page (which has reference to data page using Copy data from a data page option) to another page wrong values are being copied to target Page.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create source page list property .
2. Select the Copy data from a data page option under Data access and mention data page which populates the data for page list

3. Create target page list property .
4. Modify the source page list property values.
4. Copy the Source page list property into target page list property using Page-Copy method.
Root Cause
While copying the source page list property to target page list property, source page list data page is invoking again to fetch the values so modified property values are not being copied to target property
Instead of mentioning the data page at property rule form, pouplate the page list property using Data transform rule which invokes the data page.

Published February 21, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020
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