Support Article
Paragraph Issue
User reported that if there is a paragraph or section included inside another paragraph which has to be displayed on specific conditions such that when one is visible, others remain invisible. But what happens is, one is visible and others have reserved space for themselves, leaving a big blank space.
Error Messages
Blank area reserved for invisible sections.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Include 2-3 section/Paragraph rules using a line break in between them, inside another Paragraph rule.
2. Add visibility condition(When rule) to each embedded section/paragraph rule.
3. Export the paragraph rule in PDF.
4. Observe the extra space between two embedded paragraph/section rule when one of them is not visible.
Root Cause
A software use or operation error:
1. In the paragraph rule that user shared has 2-3 paragraphs embedded inside it.Those embedded paragraphs has a line break(<br>) in between them. Again each paragraph has one <p> tag present inside them.
2.<p> tag itself adds space before and after the contents present inside this tag.
3. So when paragraph is visible based on some condition, the space(twice) because of <p> tag and <br> tag is getting added.
4. Also when paragraph is not visible, the two <br> tags are taking effect(one added before this paragraph as part of line break and one after the paragraph line break).Because of this extra space is observed when paragraph is not visible.
This is an expected behavior of HTML tags used as part of paragraph rule.
Suggested user to modify the rule to remove unwanted line breaks(as paragraph when visible will add a break by itself , no need to add break externally in design mode)
Also below are the links related to the query for page break:-
"" - If adding print option
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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