Support Article
Save, Delete or Commit has failed due to lock
LockGoneException in Logs, and user is not able to perform Save, Delete or Commit operations.
Error Messages Error during checkRequiredLocks bean method call: code: <none> SQLState: nested exception is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem during method invocation (checkRequiredLocks) Message: <none>
Steps to Reproduce
LockGoneException in Logs.
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
The issue is because of trying to do Obj-Save when user had no Lock on the object. Hfix has added a when condition to check if the lock exists on the object and if yes, do Obj-Save.
Else exit the activity.
Apply HFix-26301.
Published April 22, 2016 - Updated December 2, 2021
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