Support Article
Sorting of grid does not work
User has a grid repeat that is sourced from a page list property:

The page list property accesses data from a data page using the "Refers to a data page" option:

The data page is editable, with a scope of Thread:

When a column header on the grid is clicked, the sort indicator icon appears/changes, but the records are not sorted.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Source a grid repeat from the list property.
- Attempt to sort a column.
Root Cause
An issue in the custom application code or rules:
"Refers to a data page" is not the correct data access option on the list property if sorting is needed. The data page itself will not be sorted.
Perform the following local-change: *Change data access option for list property to "Copy data from data page":

Published November 26, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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