Support Article
Sync status or delta sync request icon does not display
In an offline application based on pyCaseWorker (which is already offline enabled), enables the Sync status icon and other features by default. Clicking the Sync status icon, generates an ad-hoc delta sync request.

On reviewing the Case portal header which pyCaseWorker uses, the Status Sync icon does not display in this section.

Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
Root Cause
Sync status icon used an image sourced by pyConnected.svg in webwb.

An action event was configured on the icon to perform a delta sync request.

The out-of-the-box icon had a hidden class configured on it. Hence, the icon was hidden from the UI, in the Design view, after the section was saved.

Therefor, the icons were present on the DOM, but were hidden visually.
To copy this icon, use the entire case worker header as the starting point and remove pieces from there.
However, to only copy the icon(s), use the F12 Dev tools to disable the hidden attributes to re-display the cells to copy the necessary content.

Published July 24, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020
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