Support Article
Unable to get managed connection for java:/eis/PRAdapterCF
User sees errors in JBoss logs and the Async services such as Agents start to fail. A JVM restart is needed to resolve the problem.
Error Messages
2016-07-22 18:05:05,362 [l-threads-314680595)] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ your_app:02.05] ( pegarules.resadap.RAClient) ERROR - Caught exception while creating Connection, javax.resource.ResourceException: IJ000453: Unable to get managed connection for java:/eis/PRAdapterCF
Steps to Reproduce
Not Applicable
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules.
This issue is resolved by making the following local change:
1. Stop and then Uninstall prpc_j2ee_jbossJBM.ear from JBoss Admin console.
2. Stop the JVM.
3. Modify prpc_j2ee_jbossJBM.ear/META-INF/jboss/jboss-pradapter-ds.xml.
Increase the max-pool-size to 100.
4. Repackage the ear with the modified jboss-pradapter-ds.xml.
5. Bring up the JVM and deploy the modified ear.
Published September 7, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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