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Support Article

Unable to Trace in Rule Watch mode after requestor failure



If a requestor session ends abruptly during a Rule Watch trace, when the operator restarts the browser and attempt to start the Rule Watch trace again they receive a message asking them to restart tracer.
Restarting tracer and trying again only leads to the same error message.

Error Messages

Tracer session error: This rule RULENAME is being traced by operator tracetester from requestor H01729D17221DF91907AAB3EEC2B6E0ED - Please restart tracer.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open a Designer Studio session.
2. Open a specific traceable rule, e.g. activity.
3. On the “Actions” menu, choose “Trace”.
4. Mimic loss of the requestor session by using SMA to identify and kill the requestor (using the “Stop” button).
5. Close the existing Designer Studio session.
6. Open a Designer Studio session.
7. Open the same rule rule as in step 2.
8. Trace the rule again and observe error message: Tracer session error: This rule RULENAME is being traced by operator tracetester from requestor H01729D17221DF91907AAB3EEC2B6E0ED - Please restart tracer.
9. Close and restart tracer multiple times (even a day later) and the same error message appears, making it impossible to trace the rule.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules


This is being considered for a future release through BUG-320126.

Published November 10, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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