Support Article
Wrong instance of radio button selected in repeat grid
When a radio button control is included in a section which is included in a repeat grid, the top row radio button is selected instead of the row that was actually clicked on. The ID's for the radio buttons are also not unique. If the radio button control is added directly to the grid, it generates unique ID's and the radio button clicks behave as expected.
Error Messages
Not Appliable
Steps to Reproduce
- Add a radio button control to a section
- Include that section in a repeat grid
Root Cause
A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules which causes the generated radio button controls to have non-unique ID's when the controls are included in a section which is then included in a grid.
Apply HFix-25636.
Note: this hotfix updates the Rule-Utility-Function pzGenerateRadioGroup and thus requires the following additional steps:
- Regenerate the function and library (on the Java tab) for the RUF pzGenerateRadioGroup
- Re-save the sections which directly contain the radio buttons (and are included in the repeat grids)
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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