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Earn certifications, complete missions, and engage in the community to build your reputation and show your Pega skills.

Pega Badges and Certifications

Pega Badges and Certifications not only validate your skills and knowledge of architecting and implementing Pega solutions, but they demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Successful Pega projects leverage Pega badged and certified professionals to achieve reduced costs and faster time to market.

What types of badges can you earn?


Empower your team

Pega’s role-based certifications set the foundation for project team member readiness on Pega implementation projects.

View Certifications
certification badge image examples

Showcase your latest skills

Enablement badges pave the way for users to achieve role-based certification. They are also a great way to show that you are current with Pega technology. Community members who stay current with their enablement missions do not need to re-certify.

Complete Missions in Pega Academy or attend instructor-led training classes to achieve enablement badges.

Enablement badges have a currency indicator

Look for the currency indicator which lets you know that the requirements for badges you previously earned have changed.


Interact with your peers

Networking, collaborating, and inspiring members is a major reason why Pega Community exists. Engagement badges represent how active you are in the community.

Here's a few examples:

Post a question in the forum? You get a badge. Engage in a Pega Community Event? You get a badge. Add an answer someone found helpful? You get a badge. Contribute to a blog or training? Yep, you get a badge.

Discover more ways to become an active member of the Community by joining our Content Contributor Program. Help your expertise and skills stand out with a special set of badges for Content Creators!

Go to Content Contributor Program
Engagement badges example

Highlight your attendance at Pega's flagship events

By attending large-scale Pega events like PegaWorld and Hackathon, you are signaling your commitment to not only revolutionize how software gets made with Pega, but to expand your knowledge of what is possible by connecting with like-minded professionals.

Attend more events and watch your event badge collection grow!

Go to Community events


The first distinction is that certification badges are achieved by passing a proctored (monitored live by a person) exam. Enablement badges are achieved by completing missions in Pega Academy. Certification exams are role-based and indicate a core base level of knowledge for those who achieve certification. Enablement badges can be role-based, product-based or focused on concepts. Most role-based enablement badges prepare users for their associated certification badges. For example, the Business Architect mission prepares users to sit for the Pega Certified Business Architect exam. The main focus for enablement badges is to indicate how current users are with Pega technology.

Use our account merge wizard if you have more than one Pega account and want to consolidate your past activities and achievements into a single Pega account.


It may take approximately 24-48 hours for a completed Mission badge to display in your profile. If 48 hours have elapsed since you completed the mission and the badge is not displayed in your profile, contact us and let us know which mission badge is missing.

It can take approximately 1-3 business days after your exam date for the exam results from Pearson VUE to be sent to our Pega Academy systems. If you cleared the certification exam, you will receive an email notification from Pega Certifications when the certificate is available to view in your Pega account profile. The email notification will be sent to the email address you used in your Pearson VUE account to register for the exam.

If the certificate does not display on your Pega account profile:

  1. Log in to your Pearson VUE account and confirm the email address you used to register for the exam.
  2. Log in to your Pega account and confirm the email address from your Pearson VUE account is associated with your Pega account.

If the email address from your Pearson VUE account is not associated with your Pega account, confirm you do not have another Pega account associated with the email address used in your Pearson VUE account.

If you have multiple Pega accounts, use our account merge wizard to merge your Pega accounts.

If you do not have multiple Pega accounts, add the email address associated with your Pearson VUE account to your Pega account.

To obtain a soft copy (PDF) of your certificate, view your Pega profile and click View All Achievements. Find the certification badge and click the Download button for a copy of your certificate. Pega does not send hard or soft copies of your certificate.

Note: Certifications will display on your profile within 5 business days after the date of your exam unless there is an account issue that needs to be manually resolved. If there is an account issue, it may take an additional 7 days to display your certification on your profile.

View your Achievements on your Pega profile. For each Mission badge that is no longer current, an (!) icon will appear.  This indicates that the Mission has been updated and you should complete the new Mission to earn the current badge.  This is an easy way to stay current with your skills.

Here is an example: If you earn a certification (e.g., Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) certification) on version 8.4, and then version 8.5 becomes available, you simply need to complete the new content recommended to you in the System Architect Mission.  This updates your Mission badge and you are considered current for the latest Pega version.

Contact Pearson VUE Customer Support for Pearson VUE account login issues.

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