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Automate workflows faster than ever before! Introducing Templates for Pega App Factory

Timothy Harfield, 3 minute read

For citizen developers, the importance of time to value is especially pronounced. 

As a Pega Maker, you have a day job.  You work in HR, marketing, sales, operations, or some other business function. You aren’t interested in building an app as an end it itself. Instead, what drives you is the need to find ways to increase the productivity of you and your team.  As a Maker, you want to automate workflows fast so you can get work done. And as a new Maker, a blank canvas can be terrifying.

The good news is that most applications are built to perform one of four basic functions: (1) collecting information, (2) managing requests and approvals, (3) onboarding, and (4) task management. That’s why we have created four new templates for Pega App Factory – one for each use basic use case – that will allow Makers to build apps way faster than if they had to build from scratch.

Run-time experience of Onboarding template for Pega App Factory
Run-time experience of Onboarding template for Pega App Factory


Configuration experience of Onboarding template for Pega App Factory
Configuration experience of Onboarding template for Pega App Factory


Now, when a Maker requests an App Studio environment via Pega App Factory, Practice Managers can evaluate the proposed use case and, if approved, pre-load an appropriate template based on the Maker’s needs. This is just one more example of how Pega’s commitment to reuse can significantly decrease development time.

While the primary intention of these templates is for use by citizen developers within the context of an organization’s Low-code factory program, these templates will of course be of tremendous value to professional developers as well, since they can serve as strong foundations for even the most complex and critical applications. By default, templates are built to restrict the Maker to App Studio only, but instructions for how to lift this restriction for professional developers are included in documentation.

For more information about the application templates and to download them for use in your own environment, check out the App Templates category on Pega Marketplace. Inspired by these templates and want to contribute a template of your own? Contribute here:


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About the Author

Timothy Harfield, Ph.D., is Senior Director of Product Strategy and Marketing for Intelligent Automation Pega. 

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