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Decision Management Capability

Decision Management Capability

Improve the accuracy and robustness of decision-making in an application by combining business rules with machine learning models. You create these decisions by combining Decision Strategies, Decision Tables, Decision Trees, Scorecards, Adaptive and Predictive models, and Natural Language Processing.


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PegaWorld Keynote Replay: AI Did Not Write This: How Self-optimizing AI is Changing Business
PegaWorld Keynote Replay: AI Did Not Write This: How Self-optimizing AI is Changing Business
Video duration: 07:57
PegaWorld Keynote Replay: AI Did Not Write This: How Self-optimizing AI is Changing Business

Hear Pega’s GM for 1:1 Customer Engagement, Dr. Rob Walker, break down the fast-changing potential of AI in personalization and customer engagement. Learn how generative AI boosts the already…

Pega 8.8 Update: What's New in Customer Decision Hub
Pega 8.8 Update: What's New in Customer Decision Hub
Video duration: 14:49
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Pega 8.8 Update: What's New in Customer Decision Hub

In this video, Matthew Nolan, Sr. Director, Product Marketing, talks with Shoel Perelman, VP Product, 1:1 Customer Engagement, Decisioning and AI, about the all-new features of Pega Customer Decision…

Pega 8.7 Deep Dive: Export of Interactions and Decisions
Pega 8.7 Deep Dive: Export of Interactions and Decisions
Video duration: 33 Mins
Pega 8.7 Deep Dive: Export of Interactions and Decisions

Nithin Kamath describes improvements to the export of interactions and decisions and introduces the Pega Customer Decision Hub Setup wizard.

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