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Process AI example application

This application is an example of Process AI. The example use case is claims handling at an insurance company.

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This application is an example of Process AI. The example use case is claims handling at an insurance company, but the same design pattern can be applied cross-industry. A Prediction predicts the probability that a claim is fraudulent or erroneous. The probability of the prediction is used to decide which claims can be straight-through-processed.
A predictive model predicting fraud risk that was built by the data scientists at the insurance company is imported into a Prediction using Prediction Studio. There is also a prediction that predicts the probability of a case missing the Service Level Agreement (SLA). This example app also contains examples of the Prediction Widget.

Key Features

  • Process AI
  • Case predictions
  • Prediction widget
  • Artificial Intelligence

Available Versions

Process AI example application Compatibility Resources
Infinity23 (Download) Pega '23 Example Application Guide
8.8 (Download) Pega 8.8 Example Application Guide





Compatible with

Pega Platform 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 '23

Product Owner

Ivar Siccama

Last updated

December 13, 2023
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