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AppsFlyer Customer Digital Data Integrator

AppsFlyer Customer Digital Data Integrator

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With AppsFlyer Customer Digital Data Integrator, you can seamlessly bring customer digital data—captured through mobile applications, such as visiting insurance pages, clicking on loan links, and other digital engagements—into Pega’s CDH in real-time. This component provides the set of rules needed to map these digital activities to customer profiles, enabling data-driven precision in decision-making. This component further includes an onboarding system to share critical event details, such as when a customer has already applied for a particular offer. Since AppsFlyer runs paid media campaigns, sharing such information prevents targeting already converted customers, reducing unnecessary costs on paid media campaigns. Moreover, the component features a dedicated landing page designed to track requests received from AppsFlyer and onboarding data volume. By integrating AppsFlyer with Pega, businesses can achieve precise customer engagement, optimize marketing strategies, and reduce costs.

Key Features

  • Reduces development effort by 70-80%, enabling faster time-to-market and seamless implementation
  • By understanding customer interests—such as clicks and page views in mobile applications—we can enhance decision-making by integrating AppsFlyer information into customer profiles.
  • Significantly reduces AppsFlyer paid media campaign costs by preventing the retargeting of converted customers
  • Provides a user-friendly reporting dashboard to obtain statistics on requests received from AppsFlyer and the volume of onboarding data
  • Extension Points to seamlessly accommodate enterprise specific requirements



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