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Automated Testing Suite for Pega (ATP)
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ATP is built using Pega’s tooling and hence sits as a Pega App alongside your existing Pega implementation. ATP supports testing core Pega Automation, Pega Customer Service, and Pega Customer Decision Hub. It has access to Pega rules and data layers, allowing testers to easily define (& mimic) native Pega artifacts such as Activities, Data pages, and Decision Strategies. This allows the building of sophisticated test scenarios as well as the traceability of any rules that trigger test defects. There are no external ‘products’ to deploy or any ‘scripts’ to manage as all definitions are done within Pega’s using a no-code design approach.
Key Features
- Data Designer: ATP Data graphs allow ready creation of large and complex test datasets (across multiple sources) using a number of provided OOB data generator types, ranging from SQL to data pages in memory and many more.
- Test Designer: Using User Story Acceptance criteria, testers can define Test Suites within which sit the defined Test Cases.
- Mock (API) Designer: This allows definition of intelligent (rules based) stubs that can mimic external services (e.g. REST/SOAP) as well as data sources (e.g. Product lists fetch APIs, Database calls).
- Test Execution: Test Plans and Test Scenarios can be run individually within the tool or as a regression pack.
- Test Reporting: Test Reports show outcomes and Auto capturing of test evidence.
- Roadmap: ATP has a robust roadmap of new features and functionalities driven by client feature requests.

Partner Name
- Pega Products: Pega Customer Decision Hub Pega Process AI Pega Platform
- Industry: Communications Service Providers Financial Services Utilities
- Product Capability: Project Delivery Low-Code App Development Next Best Action Outbound Marketing Engagement Channels Change and Revision Management
- Pega Version compatibility: Pega Platform '23 8.8 8.7
- Geography: EMEA Americas
Offering Type