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Movable Ink - Create personalized offers in Real-Time

Movable Ink + Pega enhances email campaigns with Next-Best-Action intelligence, creating seamless, personalized customer experiences to boost revenue and satisfaction.
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Deliver next-best-actions and recommendations unique to every customer. Movable Ink converts customer data into intelligent, hyper-personalized email content – at inbox arrival. Pega’s Customer Decision Hub provides the Next-Best-Action intelligence used for that personalization, transforming email into a dynamic customer experience.

The moment an email is opened after inbox arrival, Movable Ink calls the Pega API which returns 1:1, personalized, next-best-action and next-best-treatment recommendations – all in under 100ms. Movable Ink serves up the recommendations in email and transforms these into actionable and visually engaging content, helping marketers eliminate disjointed experiences and optimize every customer interaction for both experience and business value.

Key Features

  • Increase customer lifetime value by using next-best-action approach to ensure customer and business needs are balanced during every interaction
  • Use customer learnings to improve or anticipate the next action, and make these actionable in email.
  • Engage customers 1:1 as each person is analyzed in the moment to personalize offers based on the individual's needs and situation.

Partner Name

Movable Ink


Offering Type

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