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Pega Adobe Sign Component

Prepare, send, sign, and manage documents digitally using Adobe Sign from Pega

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Pega Adobe Sign component provides a much faster, secure and convenient way for the customers to eSign and manage documents digitally with the help of the state of art cloud-based e-signature service that allows the users to prepare, send, sign, track, and manage signature processes directly from Pega. 40% of agreements (documents) in Adobe Sign are created using APIs. With this component you get a pre-configured set of APIs with which you can authenticate, create, send and sign documents directly from Pega. As soon as the document is viewed you get a notification acknowledgement and when signed you recieve the signed document which automatically gets attached to the transaction in Pega.

Key Features

  • Use “Send Agreement” custom smart shape to configure – what type of document to create, which document(s) to send and whom to send the document for eSignature.
  • Pre-configured oAuth2.0 authentication mechanism to connect to Adobe Sign API. You just need to configure the security properties.
  • Can create both transient as well as library document. Transient documents are temporary whereas library documents are permanent.
  • Configure which document needs to be sent for signature by selecting attachment categories configured in the application.
  • Merge multiple documents into a single agreement and send for eSign. These documents can be of any type based on what Adobe Sign supports. The merged agreement will be converted into a pdf.
  • Send documents for signature to multiple participants – Sequentially – Each participant will receive email after the previous participant is done with signature.
  • Send documents for signature to multiple participants – Parallelly – All participants will receive email simultaneously and as soon as one of them completes the document is considered signed.
  • Customize the message to the participants, describing what is being sent or why their signature is required. Participants can be hard coded email addresses or work parties or property references.
  • All changes to the document status (viewed, signed etc.) are propagated back to Pega and stored as case history.
  • Once document is finally signed is downloaded and automatically attached back to the Pega case.
=Maantic Inc.

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