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Quality Assurance Tool (QAT)

Start with quality assurance tool (QAT) kit, destination will be excellence in technical delivery aligned with Standards and Best Practices.

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Quality Assurance Tool (QAT) is a comprehensive solution designed to perform assessment, discover technical debt, and help improve technical quality of the applications. The QAT Tool is designed to ensure technical governance around best practices, feature adoption and standards being followed in the implementations, thereby helping reduce the risk and improve overall technical code quality of the application. The tool would not provide any provision to resolve the identifications; rather it would report the technical health of the application, which then needs further review and planning for remediation. 

QAT MLP1 release reviews an extensive list of rule types for coding practices to discover and evaluate design consistency, scalability, and extensibility, according to industry-recognized implementation principles, best practices, and compliance with Pega’s standards. These have been proven to deliver the quality implementation at minimal cost and risk to your organization by taking prompt actions based on results from QAT Kit. 

Key Features

  • Perform quality check multiple times before the GO-Live
  • Opportunity to do thorough early evaluation in the project, to discover and correct any issues when there is the least cost and risk.
  • Shorter time to perform Code-Review and Code-Quality checks
  • Ability to perform Quality checks on individual applications and branch applications
  • Consolidated Dashboard View to monitor and track quality check across multiple Pega instances/applications.
  • Ability to exclude built-on applications for evaluations (e.g., Common enterprise or any other reuse application layer)
  • Generated report includes violations over and above OOTB Guardrails reports.

MLP2 release covered additional quality checks for existing and new rule types. It includes environment comparison tool (ECT) as part of QAT Kit package with better User Interface (UI) to compare multiple DB environments simultaneously.

  • Tool supports comparison of 4 different environments.
  • It will compare rule/data counts in different environments.
  • Comparison based on rule types is also supported.
  • Drilled down reports can also be seen for the mismatch counts.
  • Tool can also compare DB objects like: Stored Procedures, Views, Columns, etc.
  • Tool can be used for Pega Cloud hosted applications.

QAT MLP3 (latest) release covers additional quality checks for existing and new rule types, App Studio Compliance, Scheduling Quality Check runs and Enhanced environment comparison tool (ECT) to include comparison for Oracle DB and more. Please refer to release notes in the user guide for additional details.





Compatible with

Pega Platform 8.6 8.7 8.8 '23



Product Owner

Kalpesh Shah

Last updated

July 1, 2024

Product Capability

Enterprise Application Development Reporting
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