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Simulation Case

Used to simulate how changes on rules affect to entities of a process (e.g. Customer Risk calculation, Warranties...)

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The case is completely customizable via extension points to be applicable in many industries and applications. Case uses branches to control changes.
Example is provided for a KYC product implementation: Customer risk calculation: the Customer risk is calculated using scorecards and decision tables.
It is wanted to check how the risk changes if a particular value on a scorecard is changed. The case allows modification of the rules, then testing and visualizing how the risk changes for the given customers.
Simulation case consist on the following process:

  1. Audience Selection: Select the entities (i.e. customers, cars...) that will be used during simulation.
  2. Calibration: Placeholder to allow editing of the rules (i.e. scorecards, decision tables...) inside a branch.
  3. Simulation: Run the process for the selected audience with the modified rules.
  4. Review: Display how the changes affected to the calculation.
  5. Deployment: Approve or reject branch changes, deploy using Deployment Manager (optional module). * Calibration (optional): Allow launching process to the instances.

Key Features

  • Placeholder case for a Simulation process.
  • Automatic calculation using changes applied on calibration.
  • Output of simulation outcome on customizable tables.
  • Automatic Rule Editing in branches.
  • Customizable reporting on Review step.
  • Extension points and allowence for customizations.
  • Deployment Manager Module to allow automatic merge using pipelines.
  • *KYC Extension Module (starting point to use Case in KYC). *Requires Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services (CLM/KYC).


Simulation Module




Compatible with

Pega Platform '23

Product Owner

Alba Bajo Maestro

Product Owner

Manoel Corujo Ferro

Last updated

January 21, 2025

Product Capability

Case Management Business Simulations
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