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Case Management Chevron Customization

View the stages of your application in an assortment of case life cycle representations.

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“Case Management Chevron Customization” component provides three different case lifecycle representations/chevron views for developers to use in their applications. The goal is to provide flexibility to application developers to consider these representations beyond the out of the box chevron view that is delivered with Pega 7.


This component comes with a parameterized section called ConfigureStageDisplay, which has a parameter called Mode. At the desired location in your applications, where case lifecycle needs to be displayed, please include this section and set the value of “Mode” as “Mini”, “Medium” or “Tree” to get an appropriate representation for the case lifecycle.

Key Features

This component provides the following representations for a case life cycle:

  • Mini
  • Medium
  • Tree

For examples of these representations, see the screen captures.




Compatible with

Pega Platform 7.2.2

Last updated

December 17, 2020

Product Capability

Case Management


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3
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