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Hotfix Comparison Tool

Easily compare installed hotfixes on multiple environments that are running the same version of Pega.

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It is a very common scenario where we see cases that the same functionality is working fine in one environment but failing in other environment. In a situation like this, a support representative starts investigating the issue by comparing both the environments, and examining which patches/hotfixes are installed on them.

As of now comparing which patches/hotfixes are installed on different environments is a time consuming and cumbersome task.
This tool is developed to help engineers to compare the patch/hotfix inventory and quickly identify which ones are missing upon comparison.

Key Features

  1.  No installation required, one click setup.
  2. Provides consolidated comparision in the following format:
    1. Hotfixes present on Instance 1 and on Instance 2 (aka a common Hotfix list).
    2. Hotfixes present on Instance 1 but not on Instance 2.
    3. Hotfixes present on Instance 2 but not on Instance 1.
    4. Common Hotfixes but with different status.




Compatible with

Pega Platform 7.1.9

Last updated

December 17, 2020
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