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Pega Marketplace Terms of Use

Inactive Record Removal Tool

API (Activity) that deletes inactive relevant records for a given class.

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During development, the application developer might go through multiple iterations of marking records as relevant, or marking them as inactive. This process adds a lot of unwanted inactive records to the application. It would always make more sense to have only those record as inactive which we don’t want as relevant in the current class. The Pega Platform does not have built in capability that easily deletes or removes these inactive records. This component contains an API (Activity) called: DeleteAllInactiveRelevantRecordsForAClass, which would do this with ease. This API is mainly designed for Pega 8.1 and above versions, but it will also work on Pega versions lower than 8.1 with limited capabilities. In versions below Pega 8.1, the user can’t see a records affect at the relevant record landing page. However, the affect can be seen during the design time in App studio.






Compatible with

Pega Platform

Product Owner

Suman Kumar Bhowmick

Last updated

July 13, 2022

Product Capability

Low-Code App Development
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