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Pega Enhanced Guardrails Landing Page

Enhances the Guardrails Landing Page to help developers build more guardrail-compliant applications.

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This package delivers enhancements to the Guardrails Landing Page to help developers build more guardrail-compliant applications. After you install this package, you can access the new landing page by clicking Pega Button > Application > Guardrails > Compliance Score.

The Compliance Score tab computes and displays a weighted score that measures the overall compliance of your application with the PRPC development model. The score is computed by weighing warnings by severity and justification state, and then comparing that number to the total number of rules in your application stack.

Because of the large number of property rules typically found in a PRPC application, property rules are omitted from the calculation. Scores range from 0-100, with 100 representing the highest possible score. Developers can raise their weighted score by resolving severity 1 warnings and providing sound justifications for existing warnings that cannot be readily resolved.

You can export all of the data displayed on the Compliance Score tab to a PDF file for distribution.

Compatibility: PRPC 6.2 SP2, and 6.3 SP1


Compatible with

Pega Platform 6.2 SP2 6.3 SP1

Last updated

December 17, 2020
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