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Pega Org Structure Tools

A simplified user experience to align operators within large organizational structures.

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This component includes changes to support more than 3,333 organizations

The main purpose of the first version is to support choosing an org, div, and unit without using the org tree which supports, at most, 3,333 organizations.

  • Choose an Org, Div and Unit in the Operator ID and Application ruleforms using auto-completes rather than a tree.
  • Prompting now supports for up to 10,000 Organizations, 10,000 Divisions per organization, and 10,000 Units per Division. Even if you have more than this, you can still enter the name without validation problems.
  • A link to the Organization Chart landing page is available in case a user still wants to browse that data in a tree.

Key Features

Choose an Org, Div and Unit in the Operator ID and Application ruleforms using auto-completes rather than a tree.




Compatible with

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4

Product Owner

David Picariello

Last updated

December 17, 2020
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