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Integrate Pega logs with alarm monitoring tools that support SNMP protocol.
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Pega SNMP component is developed to integrate Pega logs with other alarm monitoring tools that support SNMP protocol. (Huwai ITNMS,Nokia Netact ,OSS RC )
This solution can integrate Pega logs with any existing monitoring system. Therefor after Pega campaign installation the same monitoring tools can also be used to monitor a Pega application.
Key Features
- Read performance and fault logs sorted properly by the field mappings mentioned in the Pega logs.
- Pega logs become easier to read (eliminates the need for a dedicated team)
- Alert logs are stored in a persistent queue for reducing data loss.
- Alerts can be sent as SNMP to ITNMS.
- Campaign and Network fault monitoring from a single window.

Compatible with
Pega Platform 7.3Last updated
December 16, 2021Screenshots: