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Unique ID Generator for Pega Cases

Generate millions of globally unique identifiers for cases in less than a second

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The out-of-the-box unique ID generator uses a central store (the database) to reserve unique identifiers for new cases. The IDs are numeric and sequential. This feature was optimized in Pega 8.3 and higher to generate these IDs significantly faster than earlier releases.

For some client scenarios, where hundreds of millions of cases may need to be created in less than hour, each with its own unique identifier, the optimized generator is not sufficiently fast enough especially with heavy vertical and horizontal load.

This component provides an alternative ID generator that does not use a central store, but instead takes advantage of java's UUID utility combined with base32 encoding to quickly generate a globally unique identifier across sessions, nodes, and even clusters.

IDs will be 26 characters in this scheme. Example: W-3KCZVED5BZAWHK4KUFIHH7EQWQ

Key Features

- Maintains flat throughput as load scales vertically and horizontally. Local testing shows 100 million IDs can be generated in about 2 minutes.
- Generate case IDs that are unique globally (not just within a cluster)
- Avoids centralized ID generator, maintains flat throughput as users and nodes are added




Compatible with

Pega Platform 8.3

Last updated

December 17, 2020
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