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Pega Google Classroom Automation

Easily connect to Google Classroom with classroom creation, retrieve classrooms, posting announcements and much more.

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This integration helps automating Google Classroom with Pega. The application consists of around 9 REST-FUL Integrations services circling around the primary features like classroom creation, retrieve classrooms, posting announcements and much more. This integration is primarily centered on “Teacher” to manage their students, assignments and classrooms however “Student” can view their classrooms. This application serves as a base among which apps can be extended also available as a component.

Key Features

  • High level Authorization: OAuth2.0 is used
  • Teacher Centric: Teachers would benefit much through this automation
  • 9 REST-FUL Integrations services circling around the primary features like classroom creation, retrieve classrooms, posting announcements and much more
  • Proper error handling: Validating User Access
  • Easy to import and extend


Setup Guide




Compatible with

Pega Platform 8.6 8.7

Product Owner

Samuel Jude Samson

Last updated

March 7, 2022

Product Capability

Case Management Data Integration
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