Pega Marketplace
Migration Made Easy (AMME)
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Aaseya Migration Made Easy (AMME) is a one-stop solution for your business and IT teams to help manage data migration activities using Pega's case management abilities. AMME is a cross-industry solution accelerator that covers various aspects like data retrieval, migration case configuration, schedule migration, and report generation.
This solution helps you easily configure the source/target, attribute mappings, and operations. The migration configuration rule also provides an option to configure nested migrations and transformation rules. Schedule data migration to run on a future date or immediately, as well as update the migration status periodically as per the notification configuration.
The solution provides a 360-degree view of the entire migration process to the stakeholders. AMME is compatible with all Pega applications built on Pega 8.x, and supports both on-premises and cloud-specific implementations.
Key Features
- Wizard-based configuration for migration of data from source to Pega database
- Faster migration execution using Kafka queue processor
- End-to-end visibility of the whole process
- In-flight case migration so that the cases are easily positioned at various stages of the processes as per the business needs
- Support for nested configuration that deals with complex data structure, transformation rules, and child case creation
- Scheduling feature to run the migration process immediately or at a specified date
- Status notifications to stakeholders at each stage of the migration process
- Email notifications to capture and report any failures
Partner Name
Offering Type
Packaged Service Offering