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Ai4 Empathetic Collections

Achieve greater customer empathy and improved recovery rates by extending Pega Collections

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Collections are failing to keep pace with market changes - even as organizations recognize the need to improve how they engaged with customers. 65% of customer outreach is through ineffective traditional channels - such as letters, emails, and direct phone calls. It's all leading to increasingly ineffective debt recovery and poor customer experience, which is being further exacerbated by COVID-19.

Ai4 Empathetic Collections is designed to help organizations improve their recovery rates - all while enriching the customer experience at a time when empathy is needed more than ever.

Key Features

  • Ensures all customer contacts are in line with their individual preferences or channel and time, configurable by region, sector, etc.
  • Supports more channels for customer outreach (e.g. SMS, chat, email)
  • Applies OCR and NLP to incoming channels, such as chat, SMS, letter, and email, to allow automatic case creation
  • Uses AI to determine the payment plan that is most likely to lead to a successful outcome based on each individual customer profile and circumstance
  • Integrates with DocuSign for automated processing of payment plan agreements


=AI4 Process

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Offering Type

Packaged Service Offering
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