Pega Marketplace
Exavalu Lead Management Solution (LMS)
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Apply intelligent automation to your incoming leads in Pega Sales AutomationTM for Insurance - all by analyzing historical and predictive factors to help manage leads more efficiently and profitably. Exavalu Lead Management Solution yields better quality leads and a higher number of new policies sold, in shorter periods of time.
By automating the analysis of factors like geographic location, historical sales rep performance, and dynamic lead scoring, companies are able to deliver qualified leads to the individuals most likely to convert into sales. The Exavalu Lead Management Solution empowers your company to use the best features of automation - efficient and accurate data processing - as a tool to help your team streamline workflows and convert more sales.
Key Features
- Lead intake
- Lead qualification
- Lead routing
- Accelerators and functional enhancement for the following features: lead processing, opportunity management, integration, sales operations, user experience

Partner Name
- Pega Products: Pega Sales Automation
- Industry: Insurance
- Pega Version compatibility: Pega Platform 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
Offering Type
Packaged Service Offering