Pega Marketplace
Sales and Operations Planner
Achieve focus, alignment, and synchronization - across the organization
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Let Capgemini Sales and Operations Planner simplify collaboration across your organization by improving the following obstacles:
- Excess and obsolete inventory. When you don't make what you sell and don't sell what you make, you create inventory - lots of it. Align manufacturing and sales to avoid excess inventory.
- Lost sales. Avoid maintaining inventory that has too much of what you don't need and too little of what you do.
- Lost market opportunities. Don't let competitors beat you into new markets and products. Empower sales and operations planning to react quickly to market changes.
Key Features
- Rapid modeling and decision-making - reducing time spent on analysis
- Dynamic scenario modeling
- Structured, transparent sales and operations planning process
- Agile sales and operations planning and exception management process
- Accurate and connected end-to-end data
- Rapid scenario modeling both online and offline
- Seamless and transparent cross functional processes with standardized inputs/outputs
- Roles with end-to-end visibility of the plan and authority to make decisions

Partner Name
- Pega Products: Pega Platform
- Industry: Manufacturing
- Product Capability: Case Management Decision Management
- Pega Version compatibility: Pega Platform 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
- Geography: Americas Asia Pacific EMEA
Offering Type
Packaged Service Offering