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Pega Quality Assistant

Get a full, consolidated quality status of your applications throughout the development process

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Mphasis Pega Quality Assistant provides organizations with accurate rule tracking, code review tracking, and auditing and monitoring of vital parameters of any Pega release during development - so you can fix issues before they become problems. You can also use the assistant to register additional test recommendations from the technical team and track shared rules in case of rollback and retrofitting scenarios.

Features include: Functionality and rules binding, Built-in review process and record keeping, and Pega rule and warning compliance.

Key Features

  • Utilize clear table of rules for each functionality (which are also used for review process)
  • Avoid missing rules during review/pull-out
  • Automatically identify shared rules between different functionalities
  • Automatically identify rules for that functionality - saving developers' time and helping them avoid manual errors
  • Save about 30-45 minutes on average
  • Use writing design comment for every rule
  • Produce multiple comments on every rule and track the action/severity separately for every comment
  • Track review to closure with appropriate status against the functionality
  • View review records and export in XLS/PDF
  • Get complete summary of reviews against every release
  • Receive warnings around all rules for release
=Mphasis Corporation

Partner Name



Offering Type

Packaged Service Offering
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