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Support Article

Error While generating a Report



User has created Report on unoptimized properties. When the report is run, it is trying to fetch data from the BLOB field which results in a huge performance overhead. This process takes a lot of time and thus gives a message like System Cannot display the Web Page

Error Messages

The Web Page shows that System Cannot display the Web Page



Optimizing properties is the best option to fix this.

You can try using a report definition for the same if  you have UDFs installed. The UDFs has performance implications but memory consumed is less on PRPC side as the whole BLOB is not loaded.

Second option:

ALTER the TABLE to add the appropriate COLUMN (of the suitable data-type) in SQL and PRPC automatically picks this up as an exposed column. Adding a COLUMN is sufficient to mark the COLUMN as 'exposed' as far as PRPC is concerned.

* There are conditions to this: the PRPC Property must be a 'REQUIRED' property ,and it is necessary to populate the newly exposed COLUMN in each of the existing DB ROWs after doing this action.

Altering a table outside of Pega platform, directly in DB, requires the Data-Admin-DB-Table and the Class Definition to be re-saved for Pega to realize the schema change.

Once the database changes are done, you can use the column population wizard to populate the data for the existing instances.


Published January 31, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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