Support Article
Navigation Panel disappears in the interaction
The intent task navigation panel disappears after performing some intent tasks.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create an interaction.
2. In the composite area, have a section to display past cases (listview).
3. Double click or click on row, in an attempt to open a Past Case. This opens as an intent task inside the same interaction instead of opening in a new tab. For example, launch a Task opens Add Case Note.
4. Click Exit, and the case will be removed from Home screen.
Root Cause
By default, the intent opens as task in the interaction driver (this is OOTB behavior).
As a local-change call OOTB data transform CPMSetHomeContext of class CPM-Portal from an activity which has to be called before intent task is clicked in the list view.
Published January 31, 2016 - Updated December 2, 2021
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