Support Article
Multi-select does not work in a modal dialog
In a modal dialog, the multi-select control does not work in the grid.
Error Messages
Not Applicable
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a section with a table.
- Configure an onClick of the Add Item.
- Open a modal dialog.
- In the modal dialog, add a table and include a multi-select control in one of the cells.
Root Cause
The multi-select control works only with the template UI. A table with the 'Optimize Code' option unchecked, renders in the non-template mode. However, when the 'Optimize Code' option is enabled, the table changes to the 'Read Only' mode and allows the user to customize it. However, it does not provide the option to Add or Delete item. Hence, the multi-select control is not supported or does not work with the non-template table.
Perform the following local-change:
- Use the Repeating Dynamic Layout (RDL) instead of a table.
- Customize the RDL as per the requirement.
Published August 15, 2019 - Updated December 2, 2021
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