Support Article
Stream Service in the cluster does not work
The Stream service in the Admin Studio does not work. The startup logs contain an error which states that a port is already in use.
Error Messages
[StreamServer.Default] [STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (rvice.operation.StartOperation) ERROR - Cannot start service [StreamServer.Default]
com.pega.dsm.dnode.api.StreamServiceException: Unable to start Kafka broker. Last state was: NotConnected
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 9999; nested exception is: Address already in use
Steps to Reproduce
Root Cause
A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment.
The Stream service by default must use the following ports:
- 9092
- 2181
- 9999
- 7003
Perform the following local-change if the ports are already in use by another process or stream node:
Adjust the ports using the below prconfig settings,
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyBrokerPort" value="xxxx" /> (default 9092)
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyKeeperPort" value="xxxx" /> (default 2181)
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyJmxPort" value="xxxx" /> ( default 9999)
<env name="dsm/services/stream/pyPort" value="xxxx" /> (default 7003)
Published December 2, 2021
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