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Support Article

Search displays results in new window without filters



When performing a search using the global Search, matching cases display. However, when displaying the results in a separate window, the search filter criteria is not considered. That is, all the cases display. This occurs in the Firefox and Chrome browsers post migrating to Pega Platform 8.1.3. However, this works in the Edge browser.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Migrate Pega Platform 7 to Pega Platform 8.1.3.
  2. Search for a few cases using the Search box.
  3. Click 'Show results in a new window'. A window opens with all the cases (not just the cases which matched the criteria entered in Step 2).

Root Cause

The pyShowResultsInWindowWrapper section used to obtain the Search results in a new window was configured incorrectly for the searchString parameter that was to be sent to D_pyWorkSearch.


Perform the following local-change:

Make changes to the Parameter configuration in the pyShowResultsInWindowWrapper section to send the SearchString parameter as D_pyWorkSearchPreferences.pySearchString.

The D_pyWorkSearchPreferences.pySearchString property is available since it is already set in the pyPopulateSearchString data transform. Therefore, search works on all the portals 

Note: It is not recommended to open the Case Worker portal in two different windows/tabs simultaneously.

Published December 2, 2021

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