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Support Article

Connect Http MRM Issue



Connect Http throwing error- Cannot assign null value. Nulls not allowed for this element.

Error Messages

Cannot assign XXXX null value. Nulls not allowed for this element.

Steps to Reproduce

Define a Connect HTTP rule
Run HTTP Connector rule.

Root Cause

The Connect Http rule forms a URL based on request parameter. Some of the request parameter passes " " value. The " " value is trimmed and blank value is supplied ahead for URL.
However, the same URL when created through Pega 5 " " is coming as appended with a '+' sign.
Pega 5 - https://abab/SessionText=+&
Pega 7- https://abab/SessionText=&

Since blank space is passed user ends up with the error as reported.

User tried to print the values in Log and found the place where '+' value is getting removed in the InvokeHTTPConnector in Pega-IntegrationEngine:07-10-15 ruleset
Rule-Connect-HTTP.InvokeHTTPConnector, step3 Java step:
URI =, "UTF-8");

Hence a defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules was found as for parsing the query string values we are using parseQueryString function. And we decode the values and call trim() function for the value if query param value contains ‘+’ at the end. It is decoded as space and while calling trim function the space gets deleted. As a local change you can replace the code in step 3 of InvokeHTTPConnector activity with the code provided in the step 3 of InvokeHTTPConnector rule of 7.1.6.


This issue is scheduled to be resolve in update release 7.2.

Published February 28, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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