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Support Article

Cannot increase maximum length of a property



The maximum size of a property that has been optimized for reporting cannot be increased.

Error Messages

Maximum length:
Because property is exposed in a database column, 14 has been changed to 10 to conform to base property definition.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Optimize a property with a maximum length set.
  2. Try to increase the maximum length of the property.

Root Cause

An issue in the custom application code or rules.  Developers cannot increase the maximum size of an exposed property; they can only lower it.


Perform the following local-change: If the property has not been used yet, delete it. Then create a new property with the desired length. Otherwise, you can unoptimize the property first by following these steps:
  1. Delete the exposed column from the database using database tools.
  2. Check the instances of Log-System-PropertyOptimization and find the one that is associated with the property you want to unoptimize. Open that property and record the pzInsKey.
  3. Create an activity to delete the desired Log-System-PropertyOptimization instance by performing an Obj-Delete-By-Handle the pzInsKey from above.  A commit will also be required to persist the deletion to the database.
  4. Delete instances of Log-System-Schema-Column associated to the property in using the actions and activity from Steps 2 and 3.
  5. Delete mapping for this property and the column on the External Mapping tab of each class that had this as an optimized property, if one is present.
  6. If necessary, repeat Steps 1 through 5 for any copies of the property in child classes that are also exposed. 
  7. Open the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance for Log-System- and click the Test Connectivity button. (This step is not always necessary).

Published April 12, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020

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