Support Article
Exception Couldn't retrieve the Data-Admin-AuthService instance
Users are getting logged out and getting error when trying to get back into the application.
Error Messages
016-03-27 13:03:56,045 [ WebContainer : 21] [ STANDARD] [YOUR_APP:01.01.01] (uthentication.SchemePRExternal) ERROR TEST | External authentication will fail: Couldn't retrieve the Data-Admin-AuthService instance: WebStandardLDAP1
java.lang.Exception: Unable to open AuthService definition
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.authentication.SchemePRExternal.<init>(
at com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.mgmt.authentication.SchemePRExternal.getInstance(
Steps to Reproduce
Not Applicable
Root Cause
A defect or configuration issue in the operating environment : PRExternal scheme is being used for custom authentication, this option instructs PRPC to locate an authentication service data object in the PegaRULES database and to use the activities specified in that object rather than standard authentication processing
When the login activity is running it's running in an unauthenticated requestor context using the default AccessGroup used for unauthenticated users. This is the AccessGroup defined in the Data-Admin-Requestor.<SystemName>.Browser instance where <SystemName> is equal to the current system name. Check the landing page under System -> General -> Systems, Nodes and Requestors. This will show the current system name plus what default AccessGroup your browser requestor type for the System Name is currently using.
Add the Role to that AccessGroup that will grant permission to open instances of the data tables classes. Then during the authentication this issue will not occur
Perform the following local-change: Add the right role to the AccessGroup that will grant permission to open the data table classes.
Published April 1, 2016 - Updated October 8, 2020
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